Magnetic Massager : Relief from Muscular Pain
Magnetic therapy is not a new practice. It was very much practiced in ancient China. There is a reference that magnets were held in hand. There are many ancient text that speaks about the use of
magnetic therapy to treat various nervous, opthalmic, abdomen etc. related problems.
In modern times, there are many magnetic products which are launched by the companies year after year for the medicinal purpose. Magnetic wraps, braces, bands and
magnetic jeweleries are now very commonly used by the people. Magnets nowadays are acting complementary to the medicines. They provide relief to the patients from many problems like gouts, stiffness, muscular pain, joints pain etc.

The magnetic massager is one of the important links of the long chain of magnetic equipments. They activate the tissues of the body part in which they are applied, increase the blood circulation and hence provide relief in various physical problems like tennis or golf elbow, spondylytis, cervical, gout etc. Normally the modern magnetic massager combine in itself the functions of acupressure therapy and magnetic massage. Modern day massager increases the movement of fluids through the tissue thereby enhancing the lymphatic return systems. They help in
the circulation of oxygen, blood, lactic acid etc. through a one-way valve system such that their return to the heart and liver can be assisted by muscle contraction. The magnetic massager establish a fluid exchange and promotes healing.
Medically the magnetic massagers have proved to be very helpful. They enhance the blood flow, lymphatic drainage, oxygen uptake capacity and are very useful in various physical disorders like chronic fatigue, peripheral, neuropathy, bursitis, fascitis, Carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive motion syndrome etc.