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Magnetic Applications

Virtually no place is left where magnets do not find their applications. Various industries utilize magnetic force generated by the magnets for meeting various purposes. Industries involve in minutest electronic or electrical products to heavy industries use these magnets. The magnets are applied for material handling, lifting of heavy products, separating free flowing materials from ferrous fines, etc. Not only in heavy industries but also in small scale electronic manufacturing unit like computers, CDs, T.V, Audio tapes, etc these magnets are applied.

Apart from being used in industries, magnets also have medicinal value. The magnetic field of the magnets, it is said, increase the flow of blood and hence treat various physical diseases. Ankle magnets, wrist magnets, waist magnets, magnetic rings, magnetic necklace etc are used to treat physical complications like blood pressure, hypertension, neuro problems etc.

We can analyze the magnetic applications under the following heads comprehensively:

  Magnetic Therapy
  Industrial Applications
Industrial Application of Magnet

Article 1 :: Magnetic Therapy - Complementary To Medical Science
Article 2 :: Back Magnets - Easing The Back
Article 3 :: Magnetic Massager - Relief From Muscular Pain